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Germano Left Short by Ferguson, Finished off by Kaepernick

November 19, 2023 @ 09:06 PM

John Germano

Just a couple of hands after his flopped set of fives was run down by Sandy Ferguson in a huge pot that left him with just a few big blinds, John Germano put his last 27,000 in from the small blind after a raise by Ferguson.

Ronald Kaepernick called in the big blind, as did Ferguson.

On the flop, Kaepernick led out for 25,000 and Ferguson folded.

John Germano:
Ronald Kaepernick:

Germano had flopped top pair, leaving Germano needing an ace to survive.

The board completed , bringing Germano no help and sending him to the rail.

With his elimination, just 20 players remain as what will likely be the final break of the day approaches.

Sandy Ferguson340,000225,000
Ronald Kaepernick320,000320,000
John Germano0-95,000
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